
Showing posts from January, 2022

The danger of reading the Bible completely

I was born and raised Catholic. I was always comfortable in my Catholic faith. I had a strong Father who taught me to fear God and Go to church. And one day, I would die, and face God, and be accountable for my life and what I did with it. So I was a faithful practicing Catholic my whole life. There were things that I did not totally agree with , but with a billion members and a history that went all the way back to the first Century or so, I was always sure that I was in the most scripturally correct religion. And I also honored my Father by practicing the faith he taught me. I did that my whole life, until something happened that changed me and my peace with most organized religions.       My dad died in 2007. I felt that when he died, I could research the churches history  to answer some  questions I had about the Catholic faith. I had always read the Bible regularly from childhood, different than most Catholics. And I  grew up in a small southern t...